Successful presentations


Von 09:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr


Kettelerufer 22
48431 Rheine

Do you want to persuade your audience? Do you want your listeners to really listen to you? Do you want to appear authentic and charismatic? One of the most important factors of a professional and persuasive presentation is your personal impact: your voice, body language, speaking style, eye contact …. These skills, however, are often neglected when we focus mainly on the contents. In this course you learn:
• how to prepare and to give target-oriented presentations in English.
• how to persuade the audience through originality and genuine impression.

• Elocution and proper speaking style
• Authentic body language
• Effective use of pauses
• Valuable presentation preparation techniques
• Structuring of arguments
• Use of visual aids
• Proper replies to objections
• Managing stage fright
• Useful language for English presentations


• Numerous beneficial practices
• Video analysis
• Personal feedback


People who give presentations in an English-speaking environment.


The course will be given in English.

Inga Bachmann

Inga Bachmann, Jahrgang 1972, Jurastudium, 2. Staatsexamen, Master-Abschluss in Schottland, Mediationsausbildung, seit 2008 selbständige Trainerin, Mediatorin und Liedermacherin.
Seminarschwerpunkte: Konfliktmanagement, Rhetorik/ Präsentation, Achtsamkeit, englischsprachige Trainings.

Ihre Investition: 345 € zzgl. MwSt. (inklusive Mittagsimbiss, Seminargetränke und Unterlagen)

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